Before the treatment:

1. Be hydrated- hydration ensures there’s enough moisture in the follicle to effectively destroy the hair germ cells.

2. Exfoliate the night before to slough off any dead skin and create a more visible follicle opening.

3. Do not tweeze, wax, bleach, or use depilatories. Shaving and clipping with scissors is fine- see the infographic to the right for ideal lengths.

4. Avoid using retinoids for at least 1 week prior.

After the treatment

1. Don’t touch the area- your follicles will be open and vulnerable for about 24-48 hours. In that time you want to keep the treatment area as clean as possible to reduce chances of irritation and infection.

2. Apply some kind of moisturizer as needed. This can include aloe vera, plain unscented moisturizer, yi-zhibaume.

3. Avoid direct sunlight, excessive sweating, and wearing deodorant during this time.

4. Do a cold compress to reduce swelling and tenderness.

5. Do not pick at any scabs, picking can lead to scarring and hyperpigmentation. Scabs are normal and will heal on their own.

Managing Pain

1. Applying an OTC numbing cream about 60 minutes before appointment time can help reduce pain.

2. Eat a light meal/snack before treatment. Avoid caffeine and alcohol 24 hours before treatment.

3. Taking an OTC pain reliever such as Advil or Tylenol (as directed on the label with doctor approval) can help..